7 Advantages of Dental Implants You Need to Know

When a tooth is lost due to disease or injury, it can lead to further complications, including bone loss or changes in the chewing pattern. In such cases, replacing the lost tooth with a dental implant can improve the patient’s quality of life and overall dental health.

A dental implant is a prosthetic that replaces a tooth structure and is place along with an artificial crown to mimic your natural teeth. If you have a lost tooth, visit a dentist at the earliest. They may recommend an implant. 

This blog will take you through the advantages of dental implants and discuss how getting one can be a wise decision for your oral health. Let us dive in!

What is a Dental Implant?

Before moving on to the dental implants benefits, let us first understand the function of dental implants. A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth that mimics the natural tooth structure. It is made of a titanium root that is inserted into the jawbone to support a crown, bridge, or denture. Although composed of titanium, the implant looks, feels, and acts like your real tooth and can last a lifetime if properly cared for.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants?

Dental implants may be a suitable option for you If you have one or more missing or damaged teeth that are beyond repair. You can highly benefit from dental implants if you are uncomfortable with dental bridges, dentures, or partial dentures,

Patients who do not have sufficient bone structure or those with certain health conditions are not suitable for receiving dental implants. Hence, it is advisable to discuss your options with a dentist before getting an implant.

Structure of Dental Implant

What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Here are the tooth implants benefits you need to know about:

1. Dental Implants Behave Just Like Natural Teeth

One of the biggest benefits of a dental implant is that it behaves just like a natural tooth and restores your chewing power completely. The implants feel so natural that many patients cannot differentiate between their natural and implant teeth. In addition to eating normally with the implanted tooth, you can brush and floss similarly to the natural tooth.

2. Dental Implants can Last a Lifetime

Compared to other tooth restorative options, including a dental bridge (which lasts for up to 10 years), an implant can last you a lifetime. The dental implant is made of titanium, which perfectly integrates with the jawbone. Moreover, the material is bio-compatible, non-toxic, and not rejected by the body. Overall, implants provide an effective means for replacement teeth.

3. Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone in the space begins to deteriorate due to lack of stimulation. If the implant is not place immediately in the first year of losing a tooth, the bone area loses around 25% of its volume and gradual bone loss over the years.

Old man sitting in dentist office

In such cases, dentures can also do more harm than good. They can accelerate bone loss and rub against the bone ridge. Since an implant replaces teeth and the root, it restores normal chewing and provides stimulation for natural bone growth.

4. Dental Implants Stabilize Surrounding Teeth

The gap created by a missing tooth can also affect the surrounding teeth, causing the nearby teeth to begin shifting towards the gap. This shift can pull teeth out of position, affecting your bite, your ability to chew, and your overall appearance. On the other hand, a dental implant prevents this from occurring by providing support to the surrounding tooth structures.

5. Dental Implants can Prevent Facial Sagging and Premature Aging

One of the surprising advantages of dental implants is that they also prevent facial sagging. Facial sagging can be an unwanted effect of bone loss caused by missing teeth. The space between the tip of the nose and the chin gets closer as the lower portion of the face progressively collapses. These changes cause excess wrinkles around the mouth, thinning lips, and a pointed chin, which can make a person look much older than their actual age.

6. Dental Implants can Prevent Gum Disease

A gap created by a missing tooth can be a breeding ground for bacteria due to food entrapment. Since a dental implant replaces the tooth root, it prevents the accumulation of food particles in the gap and subsequent bacterial infection.

7. Dental Implants are more Affordable than other Treatment Options

Contrary to what you might think, dental implants are more affordable than other treatment options, including dental bridges and dentures. The other treatment options may seem economical at first, but in the long run, a dental implant could cost you less.


There are many advantages of dental implants, including a natural look, stabilization of adjacent teeth, prevention of gum disease, and so forth. In addition to providing strong support for your lost tooth, implants are also more economical than other treatment options.

Get Dental Implants from our Experts at Anoka Dental!

Are you missing a tooth or concerned about losing one soon? Don’t worry—our specialists at Anoka Dental are here to help. As a leading dentist in Anoka MN, we offer expert solutions to address your dental concerns and restore your smile. Let us provide the care and treatment you need to resolve your dental issues effectively.

Schedule an appointment with us today!

You can also contact us at (763) 421-4002.

Visit us at 12 Bridge Sq, Anoka, MN 55303.