Activities That Can Chip Your Tooth and Why You Should Avoid Them

A chipped or broken tooth can have an unsightly appearance. They are uncomfortable and unsettling, causing pain while chewing or biting food. Unfortunately, chipping your tooth is a common problem that many of us might face in our lives. Your tooth’s enamel protects the surface but it is susceptible to damage and can get distorted, making you vulnerable to other oral diseases. Here are some of the activities you should avoid preventing your tooth from chipping and breaking:

Teeth Sensitivity problems


Bruxism is a condition of excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching. It weakens your enamel and makes your teeth more prone to chipping and erosion at even the slightest application of pressure. Stress and anxiety are one of the causes of Bruxism but in most cases, the condition occurs during your sleep while you are not fully conscious. You can protect your enamel by wearing a customized mouth guard during sleep to avoid grinding.

Accident or Injury

One of the leading causes of chipping is oral trauma. Engaging in dangerous physical activities raises the risk of this condition. For athletes who play high-impact sports like football, cricket, baseball, rugby or hockey, it is imperative that they wear protective oral gear and sports guards to avoid damage or injury to their teeth due to falling and crashing into other players or being hit by sports equipment.

Poor Nutrition

Your eating habits have a direct impact on your teeth and their strength. Consuming sugary items or acidic food erodes your tooth’s enamel and weakens the surface making your tooth vulnerable to erosion and decay while it increases the chances of chipping. In addition to that, also avoid chewing candies or excessively hard food items that put unnecessary pressure on your teeth, making them more prone to chipping.

To learn more about the risk of tooth chipping, you can talk to your dentist. If you accidentally chip a tooth, make sure you seek immediate dental care.