Importance of Family Dentistry for Oral Health

Family dentist with examination tools

Oral health forms an integral part of your overall general health. It is essential to take care of your oral health needs to ensure not just the longevity of your teeth and smile, but also to maintain the quality of your life. A family dentistry practice is the best place to seek dental care for both you and your entire household. Family dentists function like general dentists. While general dentists specialize in a particular age bracket, family dentists deal with patients of all ages. 

Why Are Family Dentists Important?

Everyone has a family doctor they can trust. A family dentist functions similarly but they solely focus on your dental health. Since you see your family dentist regularly, they get to know your dental issues intimately and can offer honest opinions and treatment options. A family dentist is also the best person to consult for all your dental queries, whether they are restorative or cosmetic. 

Advantages of Having a Family Dentist

Your family’s dental needs are unique and can vary according to their age throughout the different stages of their life. Family dentists provide exceptional dental care to all members of your family – whether it’s your infant child or your elderly parent. This allows you to save a lot of time and energy by having every member of your household treated in a single dental practice. 

A family dentist’s expertise is of particular help in dealing with children. Toddlers and young children can be wary of new environments and may naturally have some amount of dental anxiety. A good family dentist will be able to make your child feel comfortable in the dental office and alleviate their fears and apprehensions. As children continue to see their family dentist regularly, they learn to trust them and build an ongoing relationship with them. 


Since family dentists see patients of all ages, your children do not need to change their dentist as they grow old. They can continue to see the same family dentist they have seen all their lives. Such patients are more likely to keep their dental appointments and follow their dentist’s instructions with regards to the care of their teeth


Moreover, it is not just your children who develop a healthy relationship with their family dentists. Going to see the dentist isn’t anyone’s favorite thing to do. But when you have a family dentist you see regularly and who knows all about your general and dental history, a dental appointment becomes way more pleasant than it otherwise would. 

Roles of a Family Dentist

A family dentist performs a wide range of procedures and treatments according to you and your family’s oral health needs. The most common roles of a family dentist include but are not limited to:

  • Complete oral examination
  • Cleaning and polishing procedures
  • Restoration of lost or decayed teeth
  • Orthodontic treatments like braces, retainers, etc. 
  • Minor surgeries including tooth extractions


Preventive dentistry forms an essential part of a family dentist’s duties. These include the application of dental sealants and fluorides to prevent cavities, giving oral appliances to prevent harmful dental habits, oral cancer screenings, etc. Cosmetic dental procedures like teeth whitening are also commonly performed by most family dentists. You may also enquire about more elaborate smile makeover options like dental veneers. 

The answer to all your family members’ dental health problems lies here at Anoka Dental. Visit us today and allow all your dental issues to be dealt with at the hands of our expert team of doctors and staff.