Teeth Whitening
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Teeth Whitening Benefits
Fast Results
Teeth whitening done at your dentist’s office yields much quicker results as opposed to store-bought options. The take-home kits your dentist might offer you also take considerable time since they are much weaker formulations than that available in-office. The grocery store options for whitening usually include abrasives or milder bleaching agents which are more or less ineffective than a professional whitening session.
Customized Teeth Whitening Treatment
People consider whitening their teeth for multiple reasons. This could be getting rid of stains on their teeth or simply want a brighter smile. Your dentist at Anoka will customize your treatment based on your requirements and needs. An in-office procedure is more effective when it comes to removing stubborn stains, and one appointment can last from 60-90 minutes. Depending on the severity of the stains and teeth shade you want, your dentist might recommend multiple appointments and might even give you a teeth whitening kit to take home.
Safer Procedure
Similar to being quick and effective, the whitening treatment at a dental office is much safer than bleaching your teeth on your own. To get desired results, people tend to overuse the easily available products. This leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth or damage to the gums. In a dental office, skilled professionals are careful about keeping their patients safe. Additionally, having a better understanding of the agents and materials used for the process greatly minimizes the risk associated with whitening your teeth.
Long-Lasting Result
We’ve reiterated the surety of whitening results at Anoka. But you also need to know that these results are pretty long-lasting. The teeth whitening done by your dentists at Anoka can make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter and will last up to 6 months. Patients are advised to limit their intake of tea, coffee, wine, etc. – basically anything that has the potential to stain their teeth. Over-the-counter methods barely last a couple of weeks.
Before you hop on to the net for a “dentist near me” search, give Anoka Dental a call. We are available at (763) 421-4002. If you’re looking for a brighter, more confident smile, Anoka is where you should be.