After Getting Dental Implants

Congratulations! You now have a beautiful smile once again because you replaced all your missing teeth with dental implants. You do want this smile to last, don’t you? It surely will, if you do what is required of you, and properly care for your new teeth. These are just like your real teeth and have […]

Activities That Can Chip Your Tooth and Why You Should Avoid Them

A chipped or broken tooth can have an unsightly appearance. They are uncomfortable and unsettling, causing pain while chewing or biting food. Unfortunately, chipping your tooth is a common problem that many of us might face in our lives. Your tooth’s enamel protects the surface but it is susceptible to damage and can get distorted, […]

How Sleep Deprivation Can Harm Your Dental Health

Adequate sleep is important for your body to work at full potential. If your body doesn’t get the amount of rest it needs, it may not function well. Your body needs almost 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily. Insufficient sleep affects your oral health in a number of ways. Periodontal Disease: Deprivation of sleep […]

How Many Times Should You Brush Your Teeth in a Day

As you know, thorough brushing is important for your oral health. It is important to know the exact technique of brushing as it is possible that you might be brushing in a wrong manner. Brushing properly keeps your teeth clean and there is less chance of harmful diseases. The number of times a person should […]

How to Keep Your Dentures and Retainers Clean and Safe

If you are one of the millions of people who wear oral appliances, you may be wondering about the right way to store and clean them. While dentures are used in place of missing teeth, retainers are normally used to help correct the teeth and gums during orthodontic treatments to post-treatment to retain the acquired […]

How Good Dental Health Can Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Studies have shown that there is a significant connection between oral health and breast cancer. Poor dental health and various dental diseases are more likely to cause breast cancer. So, to reduce the risk of breast cancer, it is important for women to pay extra attention to their teeth and gums. Many people ignore their […]

Is Chocolate Bad for Your Teeth?

Whenever you devour a bar of chocolate, do you think how it will affect your teeth? As much as you might despise thinking about it, eating it is bad for your teeth. Although it has some pros, the cons of eating them easily outweigh them. First, like coffee, cigarettes and red wine, chocolate can stain […]

Why Snoring Can Be More Than Just Annoying?

Snoring is typically common in men and overweight people but can affect just about anyone. You may flick away the habit as merely ‘annoying’ or ‘embarrassing’, but it is surely more than that. Some of the causes and effects of snoring are relatively benign, but the condition can also be a warning sign of much […]

How to Prevent Crooked Teeth

There are both health and aesthetic concerns attached with crooked teeth. Not only do they lead to gum disease, but they also cause speech problems. For helping children and adults to prevent, it is important that we practice good oral hygiene habits from childhood. As bad as they look, crooked teeth can also cause bad […]

The Importance of Wearing a Mouth Guard When Playing Sports

A mouth guard is a crucial piece of sports equipment that must be worn while playing all sports, particularly contact sports. These sports include hockey, skateboarding, football, boxing, and even gymnastics. By wearing a mouth guard, you make sure any activity posing a risk of injury to the face or mouth can be prevented. While […]