Are Clear Teeth Aligners Effective? Let’s Find Out!

Clear Teeth Aligners

The first thing people notice about you is not your clothes or accessories but your smile. You can get a perfect smile by using clear teeth aligners to correct crooked or misaligned teeth instead of metal braces. Many people are painfully familiar with traditional metal braces. We use the term ‘painfully’ because metal braces can […]

What are Better Teeth Aligners or Braces?

Teeth Aligners vs Braces

The orthodontic treatment aims primarily toward correcting poorly positioned teeth. This optimizes the bite and improves both function and appearance of the set. This treatment immensely works towards changing your smile. The treatment of fixing the braces or aligners is usually associated with children, and it’s a saying to wear braces earlier to get the […]

How Reveal Dental Aligners Work?

Transparent Invisible dental aligners

Are you concerned about How Reveal Dental Aligners Work? Don’t worry, this blog from Anoka Dental will provide you all the relevant information. At Anoka Dental,  our proprietary dental aligner material ensures a precision fit and quick, comfortable treatment. Plus, our expert dentists personally oversee your treatment for safety and convenience. You can choose which […]

Reveal Clear Aligners Vs Invisalign

A girl with Invisalign Braces

What Are Reveal Clear Aligners? Traditional orthodontic treatments, while still extremely effective, are unsightly to look at. This is why a lot of people with teeth alignment issues prefer treatment methods that get the job done while also being aesthetic. This is where the Reveal Clear Aligners come in. As the name suggests, reveal clear […]

Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Cosmetic Dentistry Anoka Dental

What Are Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures? Cosmetic dentistry procedures are dental treatments aimed at improving the appearance of your smile. The procedures are focused on the aesthetic enhancement of a person’s teeth, gums, and bite. The dentists who perform cosmetic dentistry procedures call themselves “cosmetic dentists”. Since cosmetic dentistry isn’t a recognized field by the American […]

Family Dentistry: What Are The Major Types Of Dental Implants In The US?

Typs of dental implants in Anoka MN

Family Dentistry – The Basic Information A lot of people believe that general dentistry and family dentistry are interchangeable terms. And although not entirely true, the basics are pretty similar.  Dentists practicing general dentistry are termed “general dentists” and the ones practicing family dentistry are “family dentists”. Both types of dentists have a similar educational […]

Why Is Family Dentistry Important For Oral Health?

family dentistry oral examination

What Is Family Dentistry? If you’ve ever scoped the internet or have had a conversation about dentistry, you’ve probably heard the term “family dentistry”. But what exactly does that mean? It means exactly as it sounds – dentistry, but for your entire family. And yes, it includes dentistry for children, adults, as well as for […]

When is it Safe to Smoke After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Tooth Extraction procedure model

Tooth extraction is not uncommon. Our third molars, commonly referred to as wisdom teeth, usually erupt between the ages of 16 to 21 years of age. For some, it may even be earlier or later than that. For others, they may never erupt at all. Wisdom teeth are named as such since they are the […]

How To Know When You Need An Emergency Dentist?

emergency dentist for tooth pain

Who Is An Emergency Dentist? An emergency dentist is exactly who it sounds like – a dental practitioner who provides emergency services. There are plenty of times in one’s life where one would find themselves in a situation that requires immediate professional intervention. However, how exactly do you differentiate between a scenario that requires emergency […]

How Long Does A Root Canal Take?

Root canal examination Anoka MN

What Is A Root Canal? Root canals are extensions of the pulp chamber inside the tooth. These extensions run along with the roots of the teeth. While most roots have single root canals, some may have more than one. But in the field of dentistry, a root canal generally refers to the treatment of an […]